Editing services for indie romance authors

I'm in your corner.

Work with an editor who strengthens your story and celebrates your creativity.

I'm in your corner.

Work with an editor who strengthens your story and celebrates your creativity.

Editing services for indie romance authors

I'll help you get your book out into the world...

As an indie author, you’re expected to do it all. Writing, marketing, and all the little things that come up in between. It’s a full-time job. Scratch that—it’s MORE than a full-time job! On top of figuring out the world of self-publishing, you also need to maintain a social media presence, create content, find an ARC team, and keep your readers entertained.

Oh, yeah, and actually write, edit, and revise your books.

You’re basically running a small publishing company—all on your own.

Well, until now. Now, you’ve got me in your corner.

As an editor for indie romance authors I work WITH you to support you, celebrate you, and help you publish the best story you can.

Let me take something off your plate. Give your manuscript to me, an effective editor with years of experience coaching and critiquing the written word.

I edit with kindness, carefulness, and the unshakeable belief that YOU are the only one who can tell your story.

Editing services for indie romance authors

Do I need an editor?

I know what you’re thinking…do I really need an editor? Can’t I just revise and edit on my own and have my beta readers or ARC team point out any typos or errors?

Sure, you can do that. I mean, it’s not illegal or anything.

But, real talk?

You shouldn’t, and here’s why...

Editing services for indie romance authors

You want to put out a quality product.

You’ve just spent months of your life writing your story! Why wouldn’t you want to take a little time to step away from it and let someone with fresh eyes catch things you can’t see? Hiring an editor allows your story to speak. It gives it room to breathe and develop. Together with an editor, your story can be even better than you ever imagined. Sometimes we have to get out of the way for our best writing to come to life.


You’ll lose potential lifetime readers.

I know you’ve seen reviews on Goodreads lambasting a book that’s filled with typos, continuity errors, and plot holes. It stinks, but reviews from readers can sometimes make or break a book’s success OR determine whether an author builds a devoted fanbase. Give yourself the best possible shot at gaining a loyal following by always putting out quality content that has been edited by an expert.


You’re a professional writer.

It doesn’t matter if you have an agent, a fancy publishing advance, or a special-edition hardcover of your book. YOU ARE A WRITER. Part of being a professional writer is putting out a professional product free from errors that pull readers out of the story. Hiring an editor allows you to do that.

Need help keeping everything organized as you work toward your publish date?

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Editing services for indie romance authors

I'm Kaitlin!

I’m a freelance editor for indie romance authors, and I’m excited to work with you!

I edit with kindness, have a passion for precision, and will be meticulous with your manuscript.


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